Compound O West October

Compound O West October is one of the projects of Orascom Development and Real Estate Investment Company, which is one of the strongest real estate investment companies in Egypt. The project was designed specifically for lovers of the modern style in design, where all its buildings and residential units, ranging from villas, duplexes, and twin houses, shine with modern, sophisticated and luxurious touches to the extreme.
Compound O West October location

تدرك شركة اوراسكوم المطورة للمشروع ان الموقع المتميز من اهم عوامل نجاحه والوسيلة الافضل لجذب العملاء، لذلك اختارت أكثر المواقع الإستراتيجية في قلب مدينة 6 أكتوبر على طريق الواحات وامام مول مصر بجوار مدينة الإنتاج الإعلامي.
Places near O West October Compound
- يقترب مشروع اوراسكوم من عدة طرق ومحاور رئيسية مثل طريق الواحات – وصلة دهشور – الطريق الدائري – طريق الإسكندرية الصحراوي.
- O West Compound, 6th of October, is about 7 minutes away from Juhayna Square.
- The compound is located about three minutes away from the famous Mall of Egypt.
- The distance between the compound and Sheikh Zayed is approximately 10 minutes.
The design and space of Compound O West October

تم تخصيص مساحة للمشروع تقدر بـ 1000 فدان. حيث ان المشروع تعاون مشترك بين كلا من القطاعين العام والخاص، متمثلين في هيئة المجتمعات العمرانية وشركة اوراسكوم للفنادق والتنمية. تتميز المنطقة المقام عليها المشروع بانها ترتفع عن المنطقة المحيطة بها بمقدار يتراوح ما بين 30 حتى 50 متر، ويبلغ عدد الوحدات السكنية داخل او ويست أكتوبر 900 وحدة على إجمالي مساحة 50 فدان، تتنوع بين الفيلات المستقلة، والشقق. كما تتنوع المساحات داخل المشروع لتلبية كافة الاذواق والاحتياجات فتبدأ المساحات من 86 متر مربع.
Compound O West October services and facilities

O West October Compound is an integrated city closed on itself. As the developer company was keen to provide all the services inside it, whether basic or recreational, so that the customer does not have to leave it to spend some needs or obtain some purposes. It is like a small city within the big city, due to its large area.
- An area of 35 acres has been allocated within O West October to include the largest sports club with all modern devices and equipment.
- The compound has a clubhouse equipped at the highest level with all devices that help increase relaxation and recreation, such as jacuzzi, spa, and sauna.
- O West 6th of October contains long tracks for practicing healthy sports such as walking, running, and cycling.
- The project includes a long tourist walkway to enjoy the beautiful landscapes that surround the compound from all sides.
- Providing an upscale hotel that offers all hotel services at the highest level.
- A high-level security and guarding system is available within the project throughout the day, in addition to providing the entrances with electronic gates, as well as surveillance cameras distributed throughout.
- تصميم منطقة تجارية كبيرة تبلغ مساحتها ثلاثة أضعاف مساحة مول مصر تقريبا.
- The project has a restaurant at an altitude of 75 meters from the ground level. It was built in the shape of a mountain top to enjoy a panoramic view.
- Providing a comprehensive educational area from an international university and three international schools with expert and highly qualified teachers.
- كما يتوافر في اويست اكتوبر مراكز للرعاية الطبية والعيادات المتخصصة مجهزين علي اعلي مستوي.
- There are private garages for residents to prevent overcrowding inside O West.
Compound O West October prices
يعد امتلاك وحدة في مشروع كمبوند أو ويست 6 أكتوبر فرصة هائلة للاستثمار سواء للبيع مرة اخرى او الإيجار، وذلك لما تتمتع به الوحدات من أسعار تنافسية مقابل الخدمات المتميزة المتوفرة داخل الكمبوند. حيث تبدأ أسعار الوحدات داخل كمبوند او ويست أكتوبر من 2.300.000 جنيه مصري.
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