Seazen North Coast

Seazen North Coast is one of the most prominent tourism and residential projects on the Mediterranean coast, established by Al Qamzi Real Estate Development and Investment Company. The units in Season Village varied between villas, townhouses, twin houses, and chalets. Part of the project area has been allocated for services and facilities that meet customer needs.
Seazen North Coast location

حرصت الشركة المالكة لمشروع سيزن الساحل الشمالي شركة القمزي في التعاون مع DMA علي اختيار اكثر و افضل الاماكن حيوية في قلب الساحل الشمالي حيث انه واحد من اهم عوامل نجاح المـشروع هو الموقع الاستراتيجي الذي يتواجد على ارضه المـشروع. حيث تقع القرية بالكيلو 171 طريق الإسكندرية ─ مطروح، في منطقة سيدي عبد الرحمن المعروفة بروعة وجمال شواطئها.
Places near the village of Season North Coast
- Seizen North Coast is only 5 minutes away from El Dabaa.
- Seasons Village is located 20 minutes from New Alamein Airport.
- Seasons North Coast is about 3 hours away from Cairo.
- The village is located 30 minutes from the Sidi Abdel Rahman area.
The design and space of Seazen North Coast

تم بناء قرية سيزن الساحل الشمالي على مـساحة هائلة و الذي جعلت المـشروع ضخم يضم الكثيرمن المرافق و الخدمات والفيو الراقي حيث ان المـشروع يقام على مـساحة 204 فدان. تم تقسيم هذه المساحة بشكل هندسي رائع ما بين المباني و الانشاءات و حمامات سباحة لامتناهية و بحيرات صناعية فريده من نوعه في الساحل الشمالي. كما ان سيزن الساحل الشمالي تم تصميمها بنظام المصاطب بارتفاعات تبدأ من 0 وحتى 45 متر فوق مستوى سطح البحر، مما يتيح لنحو 90% من الشاليهات رؤية البحر مباشرًا،
تمتلك سيزن الساحل الشمالي شاطئ يمتد لأكثر من 690 متر بطول 200 متر، ويبلغ عدد وحدات مشروع القمزي 2000 وحدة متنوعة بين Villas and chaletsWith areas starting from 90 square meters.
Seazen North Coast services and facilities

Al-Qamzi Company worked to provide all basic and recreational services in the village of Season. That is why the services came to be varied and distinct, where you will find everything you desire and want in the North Coast Village, starting from your comfort in your room, all the way to the sea, swimming pools, and shopping and entertainment centers.
- The presence of a sports and social club. In addition to providing a gym to maintain physical fitness, it also contains a spa, sauna, and jacuzzi in the Seasons North Coast project.
- The developer has provided 3 clubhouses for recreation and enjoyment, as it is suitable for all people and meets all needs.
- In the village of Cezen, North Coast, there is a swimming pool with artificial waves, with a wave height of 3 meters, which is the first of its kind in the North Coast. It is available on an area of 1.5 acres.
- Providing 3 heated swimming pools in Cezan North Coast.
- Providing a hypermarket with a number of food products to meet all the needs of the population at any time.
- There are special paths for cycling and walking throughout the village.
- There is security and guarding around the clock. In addition to providing many surveillance cameras that surround all parts of the village for more security and safety.
- Maintenance and cleaning services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in Season Village, North Coast.
- The project includes areas for children and Kids Area with many recreational games.
Seazen North Coast prices
The prices of the units offered for sale in Sezen vary due to the different spaces and designs, but they agree that they are the most suitable price for those with good taste and luxury lovers. Units prices in Season North Coast start from 2,033,000 EGP.
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