Telal Ain Sokhna village

Telal Ain Sokhna is a tourist village that contains distinctive residential units, which Roya Real Estate Development Company established in the best areas of Ain Sokhna. It was keen to provide all services in Telal Al-Sokhna village to become an integrated city, in addition to the geographical location, competitive prices, and other advantages that increase the demand of investors and customers to own units in it.
The designs of the village were also based on modern models and sophisticated building methods, as the company wanted to present an ideal tourist village that sits on the throne of the tourist villages located in the city of Ain Sokhna.
Location of Telal Ain Sokhna village

Vision Group Real Estate Company was keen to select a privileged location in Ain Sokhna for the construction of the project. Where the village of Telal Al-Sokhna is located on the main Zaafarana road that connects it to the city of Cairo.
Places near the village of Telal Ain Sokhna
- Telal Ain Sokhna is located 5 minutes from Porto Sokhna.
- Telal Al-Ain Al-Sokhna village is about 60 minutes away from New Cairo.
- The project is close to the city of Suez, with a distance of 30 minutes by car.
- Telal Ain Sokhna is only 45 minutes away from the Administrative Capital.
The design and space of Telal Ain Sokhna

اهتمت شركة رؤيا جروب المطورة لمشروع تلال العين السخنة بإقامة المنتجع على مساحة ارض ضخمة حتى تتناسب مع كافة الخدمات و المرافق العامة التي ستقوم بتشييدها. حيث بلغت مساحة القرية 617 فدان. تم تخصيص نسبة 20% منها ليكون من نصيب المباني و الإنشات الموجودة بالمشروع، كما تم تشيد المشروع على 7 مراحل سكنية وتبلغ عدد الوحدات حوالي 4000 وحدة سكنية. اما النسبة الاكبر من مساحة المشروع تم تخصيصها للمساحات الخضراء و البحيرات الصناعية مع وجود اللاند سكيب حتى تندمج الالوان الطبيعية لتعطيك فيو رائع ، وايضا عمل على وجود المرافق العامة و الاماكن الترفيهية حتى يصبح افضل منتجع ساحلي في العين السخنة يتمتع بأطلاله مباشرة على ساحل البحر الأحمر.
تتميز قرية تلال بتصميمها المميز على شكل مصاطب متدرجة الارتفاع يصل ارتفاعها إلى 70 متر فوق سطح البحر لتوفير فيو البحر لكل الوحدات. كما تتنوع الوحدات السكنية في القرية بين الفيلات، والشاليهات، والتوين هاوس، والتاون هاوس بمساحات مختلفة لتناسب جميع الاذواق. تبدأ مساحة الوحدات من 140 متر مربع وتصل إلى 360 متر مربع كحد اقصى.
Telal Ain Sokhna services and facilities

The project is characterized by the availability of comprehensive services that make it an integrated resort that meets the needs of customers, so that they do not have to leave it in order to search for any other requirements or purposes.
- There is a new entry and exit system thanks to the use of electronic gates that operate with a modern and powerful system.
- Telal Ain Sokhna has a marina containing 500 yachts and boats.
- Providing a commercial mall containing many commercial centers suitable for all customers.
- The village supports the use of clean energy as all units operate with natural gas to preserve the environment from pollution.
- There is a large hypermarket that includes all food commodities and local and imported products to meet the daily needs of the residents.
- The resort includes electric generators that operate at high speed immediately after the power outage.
- There is a Beach Club House with a direct view of the sea and green spaces.
- متوفر عدد من المراكز الصحية التي تحتوي على صالة جيم مجهزة على أعلى مستوى، بالإضافة إلى غرفة جاكوزي مميزة.
- يضم المشروع اكوا بارك بها ألعاب مائية متنوعة، بالإضافة إلى اليخوت و بيتش باجي.
- There are also a number of sports fields in which customers can practice all kinds of sports activities.
Telal Ain Sokhna village prices
Competitive prices are available in the village of Telal Al-Ain Al-Sokhna, commensurate with the huge amount of basic and recreational services provided by the project, compared to other projects. Units prices in Telal El Sokhna start from 1,850,000 EGP.
Real estate # Apartments # Investment # Real estate # Saudi real estate # Emirates real estate # Real estate investment # Egypt real estate # Immediate receipt